What is this work made of?
I do not think i can deduce its material just by looking at the image given, however, if i were to take a guess, it would most probably be made of thin molded sheet metal or painted hard plastic. The work reminds me of bubbles or a bunch of grapes. However i don't think the work is made up of dense material such as marble or clay as the sculptures in the background are suspended mid air, thus being light is a great attribute to have.
What do you think the title is?
erm, BlackBerry? hahaha some clever ad campaign for blackberry being disguised as an art exhibition. It could be anything really, with contemporary art broadening our definitions of art ever so widely, anything and everything can be easily accepted as art.
What do you think the artist want to convey through this work?
The artist probably wanted to convey a feeling of irony through the work. the shape and form of the work implies weightlessness. Bubbles give a sense of freedom to the viewer. However this is contrasted to the dark metallic black colour of the work, giving the work a very heavy feel. The work is weighted, as if with burdens and pain of the artist that can never be released.
What feelings are invoked in you when seeing the artwork?
Upon seeing the work i feel a sense of curiosity. I mean, who wouldn't? The work looks really interesting, with its multi faceted rounded sides and smooth glossy finish. I would probably be touching it if i were right there. I also feel a sense of entrapment as the blobs of bubbles seem to be covering something underneath, hiding something from the viewer.
Why do you think this work is suitable for public displaying?
The work is visually pleasing and im sure many people would appreciate it beautifying the streets of Singapore. Even if the passing layman were to view the work, he would be able to connect with it in his own way.
Great humour in thinking that it is some blackberry campaign.I suppose it wouldnt be in The Esplanade if it really is one!
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